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Treva Gordon, M.Ed.
Professional Statements
Artifacts Main Page
Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge
Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction
Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 4: Diversity and Equity
Standard 5: Learners and the Literate Environment
Standard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership
Standard 7: Practicum/Clinical Experiences
Treva Gordon, M.Ed.
Professional Statements
Artifacts Main Page
Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge
Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction
Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 4: Diversity and Equity
Standard 5: Learners and the Literate Environment
Standard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership
Standard 7: Practicum/Clinical Experiences
Professional Statements
Artifacts Main Page
Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge
Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction
Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 4: Diversity and Equity
Standard 5: Learners and the Literate Environment
Standard 6: Professional Learning and Leadership
Standard 7: Practicum/Clinical Experiences
LWResume TGordon1.docx
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