Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation

Candidates understand, select, and use valid, reliable, fair, and appropriate assessment tools to screen, diagnose, and measure student literacy achievement; inform instruction and evaluate interventions; assist teachers in their understanding and use of assessment results; advocate for appropriate literacy practices to relevant stakeholders.

TGordon Sample assessment READ 620.docx

3.2 & 3.3

*student names are fictional

Collaborate with colleagues to administer, interpret, and use data for decision making about student assessment, instruction, intervention, and evaluation for individual and groups of students.


3.1 & 3.4

Understand the purposes, attributes, formats, strengths/limitations (including validity, reliability, inherent language, dialect, cultural bias), and influences of various types of tools in a comprehensive literacy and language assessment system and apply that knowledge to using assessment tools.

Participate in and lead professional learning experiences to assist teachers in selecting, administering, analyzing, interpreting assessments, and using results for instructional decision making in classrooms and schools.

Using both written and oral communication, explain assessment results and advocate for appropriate literacy and language practices to a variety of stakeholders, including students, administrators, teachers, other educators, and parents/ guardians.