RLL ePortfolio


I am a literacy coach with the Chesterfield County Public School Division. Even though I've been teaching English, English Language Arts and Strategic Reading to secondary students for 16 years, I jumped at the chance to take a deeper dive into reading instruction. I work, most often, with students and teachers in schools that are characterized as having a diverse socioeconomic status and low reading scores.

This portfolio represents the culmination of three years of dedication, hard-work and struggle, but every minute was worth it. I'm excited to have had this opportunity to develop my skills in order to be a better teacher to my students and an added resource to the educators to whom I am in service. I hope this sentiment translates as you explore my work.

-T. Gordon

"Now, I fully understand and appreciate that I have the power to positively impact the future and I'm no longer taking that for granted."

Treva Gordon

πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ« The Accidental EducatorπŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ«

As I grew up, I was often told I would become or make a good teacher. Some of these people knew me well and others did not, but I never considered a career in education until graduating college. The opportunity presented itself and I reluctantly began teaching middle and high school English to 8th, 9th and 12th grade AP students, only three months after I was done with school forever (or so I thought). I barely knew what I was doing, but my students were excited to have a teacher who listened to their music and knew their pop culture references. Those things were trivial to me, but served as invaluable currency to my students. My "Ground Zero Kids" taught me how to connect and build long-lasting relationships that helped me learn to teach them and the many students that have come after.

It has now been almost twenty years and I have never stopped going to school or learning: about myself, about what is best for kids and about instructional best practices. I have completely embraced education as my career, but more than that I feel that it is my assignment, my calling. Everyday, I strive to seek the highest good for the students that have been entrusted to me. Now, I fully understand and appreciate that I have the power to positively impact the future and I'm no longer taking that for granted.

I am a graduate of The University of Virginia where I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature. I also hold a Master's degree in Administration and Supervision from The University of Phoenix. I am licensed to teach in Virginia with endorsements in English 6-12, (Reading Specialist), English as a Second Language and Administration and Supervision PreK-12.

When I am not working, I enjoy antiquing and spending time at home with my husband and our two sons.

Presentation Part 2:




Marzano Handout #1

article version


Marzano Handout #2

graphic version